Essay On Transgender People In The Military

514 Words3 Pages

Trump says Transgender people can’t serve in the military in the U.S.

Transgender is a person who is not of the right gender and wants to turn into the

other gender and most Of the time they get surgery so they can look like how

they want to. President Trump has announced that the year after the Pentagon

lifted its ban on Transgender to be in the military. In the U.S. today some

Transgender people want to join the military but Trump will not let them in the

military and this is making them mad and not just the people who think it not

right. Transgender can’t join the military in the Trump should let

Transgender join the military because man and a woman can be in the military

transgender should be able to be in the military and serve their country. …show more content…

Some effects are, people, men, and women

have been helping transgender people to fight for them to able to go into the

military and because of this problem the world is changing for the good. But one

good Solutions is that Trump let transgender people go into the military in now

day in the U.S. and then hopeful Transgender people all over the world can be in

the military. Then Everyone can be in the military and it will hope it will be

Successful because then even transgender people can be in the military then

transgender people can be equal. This is the best Possible solution because then

everyone can be equal even Transgender. The problem would be solved if the

The U.S. just let transgender join the military. Some could say that they shouldn't

because if they went to war then they wouldn't stay in the girl rooms or guys

Room transgender people could just stay in the room that they identify as and if

they can’t do that then stay in a different room. Transgender people should join

in the military it equal or fair for men and women to serve the military and

not let transgender people serve just because they are in the wrong