
Essay The Most Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet, a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, in 1597. In the play, two families, the Capulets, and the Montagues, have a son and daughter who fall in love with each other. Throughout the play, many people die. While they have known each other for not long, they get married, and many deaths occur. Though many people could be blamed, Romeo holds the most responsibility for the outcome of all the deaths.

To begin with, Romeo caused Tybalt’s death. Mercutio says, “A pox on both your houses". (Romeo and Juliet, 3.1-104) The quote shows that Mercutio not only blames Tybalt but Romeo too for his death, and Romeo was one of his closest friends. Mercutio’s last words put a curse on both feuding families, causing more war. When Tybalt provoked Romeo, he did not want to fight back, so Mercutio tries to protect him and then gets killed by Tybalt. Later then, Romeo is heartbroken that his friend dies so he goes after Tybalt, stabs, and kills him. Romeo was the problem for both of those deaths. …show more content…

Lord Montague confirms that Lady Montague dies of grief from hearing her son was banished to the prince. "Grief of my son's exile hath stopp'd her breath.” (Romeo and Juliet, 5.3-211) If Romeo never went after Tybalt and had been banished, his mother would still be alive. The last two deaths, Paris, and Juliet were causes by Romeo too. When Paris hears that Juliet is dead, he was hurt and all he wanted was to go to her tomb and grieve her and pay his respects, but Romeo did not want him to be there at all. Of course, Paris did not trust Romeo, because he did not know him, so they fought, but Romeo was hurting too and killed

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