
Ethical Issues In The Detainee Camp

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Biblical In ancient Roman times Jesus Christ was taken by the Romans for no real crime. He was brutally tortured and killed. Christ suffered immensely and for what? He had done nothing wrong, he had committed no crime. Other than the ultimate reason Christ himself stated was to die in order to be a living sacrifice. Torture is torture and it wasn't justifiable then , why is it in today's society. The message as stated in 2nd Samuel 24:14, “ Then David said to Gad, “I am in great distress. Let us fall into the hand of the Lord, for his mercy is great; but let me not fall into the hands of man.” (Bible,). Men is always cruel to each other but God is the one with mercy, the one who is able to judge the morality and actions of our world . No one else can do this. After 9/11 America's judgment was clouded with rage, hate and anger. God says to forgive those who do wrong against you. That may be hard to do but holding a grudge and harboring anger can only build hatred. Psalm 130:4 says, “ but with you there is …show more content…

The main reason for the location of the detainee camp known as Guantanamo Bay was because it was not located on American soil. It is stated in the Constitution that if you are in America and are questioned for a crime that was committed, a person is allowed the right to a fair trial with a jury. Another aspect is that once a person has been tried and found innocent of a charge, they cannot be retried for the same thing. Therefore the detainees located at Guantanamo are not covered by the American constitution because they are not located in American waters or on American soil. All these tactics are used to justify torture of the detainees. Torture isn't just wrong morally but legally according to the Geneva Convention and needs to end. There is no guarantee that torture actually

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