Evaluate The Behaviourist View Of Learning Into The Classroom

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Learning from the three views of how students gain knowledge, the behaviourists, cognitive and the humanists view, has given me ideas of how I should approach in helping students with their learning outcome. I have noticed that by manipulating these three views in a classroom setting, it will help students in a diverse way, such as, making the classroom environment a safe and supportive area; helping students expand their knowledge by providing activities that is suitable for their age and providing basic needs that will help the student’s learning outcome. Likewise, by using these strategies, it will benefit how the students learn and they will find their learning activities engaging.

Incorporating the behaviourist views of learning into my classroom setting I would make sure that I have provided the strategies that will help students to be involved in their school work. For instance, I would have the students sit in silence for two minutes at the beginning of the lesson for them to reflect to themselves and calm themselves down. The reason I would use this strategy is because I know that before class students would have been worked up from the previous they had or have been exited throughout their lunch break. Thus by using the strategy of two minute silence will help the students to clear …show more content…

For example, I would break down the learning outcome into smaller parts that will lead to the learning goal for students to work on together and gain knowledge. As students are working together on the activity, they will start to gain the skills of peer tutoring and this will help enhance their critical thinking. Likewise, by going to each group asking questions that will get the students to think and justify their statement. Hence, this will allow student to think in a complex way in analysing and evaluating the