
Events That Led Up To The Civil War Essay

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There were many events that led up to the civil war and many of those events got more tension between the North and the South. When it comes to talking about the civil war some events that caused the most tension between the North and the South some of them being the resistance by abolitionist and the people who were pro-slavery, the compromises, and the election of Abraham Lincoln. In the end the number one cause of the war was over disagreeing on slavery. There were many people for but also against slavery which caused more tension between the North and the South. Harriet Tubman was a former slave who escaped to the north but instead of staying in the north she kept going back to the south to help slaves in the south escape to free states. Harriet Tubman was a person that southern slave owners feared because she helped slaves escape to the north. …show more content…

Lincoln thought that because slavery was talking away a person's freedom slavery should exist in the Union, Lincoln made this clear when he said that the Union was hypocritical because it says that it is free but still has people as slaves. Lincoln thought that it was wrong to take away someone's freedom and that's what the south was doing with slavery but they didn't want to get rid of it because it was how they got wealthy. In one of lincoln's speeches he said that he wanted to see the spread of slavery come to a stop. When Lincoln said this he was talking about the expansion that was taking place which made there be more slave and free states there were many slave owners who wanted the expansion because it meant more territory and that also meant more places there could be slavery. Lincoln played a role in the civil war and this was shown when many southern slave states succeeded between the short time between the election and the inauguration of

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