Evidence Based Research Essay

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Nursing is a field that requires extensive research and writing. Nursing majors are expected to conduct various types of research to understand healthcare problems and implement effective solutions. Additionally, nursing majors are required to write research papers, case studies, and other forms of academic writing. Nursing majors use research to identify and analyze health issues, develop solutions, and evaluate outcomes. They also use research to inform their practice and better understand their patients. Finally, they use their writing skills to communicate their findings and advocate for their patients. This essay will discuss the types of research and writing nursing majors conduct.
Types of Research Conducted by Nursing Majors …show more content…

Evidence-based research is based on the best available evidence, clinical expertise, and patient preferences (ANA, 2015). According to the ANA, evidence-based research helps nurses "make informed decisions about patient care and improve patient outcomes" (ANA, 2015). Evidence-based research is critical to nursing because it ensures that nurses are providing the best possible care based on the latest research and knowledge. Evidence-based research is a necessary tool for nurses to stay informed about new treatments and therapies, and to ensure the safety of the patient. It is also essential for nurses to demonstrate the effectiveness of their care and to ensure that the best practices are being …show more content…

According to the University of Texas at Austin, case studies help nursing students "develop critical thinking skills, clinical reasoning, and clinical decision-making" (University of Texas at Austin, n.d.). Additionally, nursing majors write care plans to identify patient problems, set goals, and develop interventions. According to the American Nurses Association, care plans help nurses "identify and prioritize patient problems, identify outcomes, and develop interventions" (ANA, 2014). Care plans are essential tools for nurses as they provide a structure for patient care. They also help nurses focus on the individual needs of the patient and customize their care