
Evolution Vs Religion

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Today, many people believe that evolution replaces God as the creator, which is why many Christians do not believe in evolution. As stated in the Bible, the man and woman were created by God. “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. As state in the bible Genesis 2: 21-23, “Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” God created man and woman, science did not create it. All men and women came from one man Adam, if God would not have made Adam from dust humans …show more content…

The first definition I learned of evolution is change over time. The second definition is descent with modification, which simply means passing traits from parents to offspring through generations. The last definition I learned was the change in genetic composition of a population from generation to generation which means that the different genes of organisms are passed on through the generations of one another. These definitions lead to a better understanding because it showed that evolution was not replacing God as the creator, it is simply the change over time. I also learned about the scientist who contributed to evolution, Charles Darwin. Darwin noticed organisms in temperate regions resembled organism in close tropical regions rather than resembling organisms in temperate regions in another continent. This is when Darwin realized that organisms made adaptations, an inherited characteristic of an organism that enhances survival and reproductive abilities. This clearly means that different species can survive in harsher environments than other species. Darwin looked at finches that had different beaks depending on what they ate. A cactus eater finch had a longer and sharper beak so it was easier to rip the flesh out of the cacti while an insect eater finch had a shorter, narrower beak so it was able to catch small insects. These finches retrieved these adaptations through a process of natural selection. Natural selection is the process where individuals with certain traits survive and reproduce at higher rates than those without those traits. If the cactus eater finch had the beak of the insect eater finch it would not be able to survive because it would not be able to rip out the flesh of the cacti and vice versa. A lot of the finches would become extinct if they did not make these adaptions and this would have happened with a lot of different organisms if change did

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