Examining The Lives Of Ancient Egyptian Women By Melinda Nelson-Hurst

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The Article, “Examining the Lives of Ancient Egyptian Women.” Written by Melinda Nelson-Hurst, caught my attention when looking through the article. This article is about an alternative point of view to women's roles in society in ancient Egypt. The first example is in the scenes of the ancient necropolis at Beni Hasan, her name is Tjat. When archeologists first started to discover and put together the lives of the Ancient Egyptians, they were very quick to assume that Tjat was the mistress/second wife of Khnumhotep II, because of how frequently she was shown in scenes. This article discusses why Tjat may have played a much more important role in society than just being a mistress. Tjat is translated to “sealer” or “treasurer” meaning she was …show more content…

Having this job during this time was a very prominent position. Archaeologists could not find much physical evidence of the Khnumhotep household. They have found similar things that would be suggestions about Tjat’s life. This item is the Scarab finger ring of the chamber keeper Ameny, from Lisht North, south of the Tomb of Nakht. 12-13th Dynasty of the United States. The inscribed stone on the ring was meant to seal and mark clay seals. After reading about the misconceptions of women throughout history, I wanted to do more research on the Ancient Egyptian women and their roles in civilization. I found this great article called, “How Knowledge of Ancient Egyptian Women Can Influence Today’s Gender Role: Does History Matter in Gender Psychology?” by Radwa Khalil, Ahmed Moustafa, Marie Moftah, and Ahmed Karim. Now, this article drew my attention because it brings up the current events concerning gender inequality in many Middle Eastern countries, hoping to bring awareness that women in ancient societies had more rights than women of the current day. In Ancient Egypt inequality had more to do with class, versus gender inequality. Not to say there was