Example Of A Christian Research Paper

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Christians should be careful in their actions because the world is watching their example. Therefore, a Christian should be careful in his actions because he is setting a standard before the world. So if Christians don't set a good example he may hinder their conversion or make them uninterested in religion. Although some people may argue that controlling their tempers is the most important for a Christian to follow, obeying the government in all things lawful that are not against God's command is arguably more important because it is more noticeable to the world and is more likely to make an impact on their decision whether or not to attend church and bear the name of Christian.

In the Bible there are many texts concerning submission to …show more content…

Christians should be very careful in all things and also in submitting and respecting the authorities in all things that are lawful. On the other hand, they may not go against God and his laws to please the earthly rulers. In 1 Peter 3.22 it says "Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him." So the Christian may see that Christ has power over the carnal rulers, and even carnally hearted people obey the highest authorities when the lower authorities are contrary to those above them. The Christian is to obey the highest authority, which is Christ, when the earthly rules are not in agreement with their ruler which is in heaven. "[…] Christians should be a humble, submissive people, [and] should keep the speed limit. If we are children, we should obey our parents" (Piper, "Obey the Government for God’s Sake"). Here John Piper says that Christians are to set a good example before the world by their actions for that world is taking notice of their …show more content…

Also in Proverbs 8.16 the LORD says, "By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth." Here in Daniel and in Proverbs the authors say that God is the power behind all men and is the one that is the ruler of rulers and Governor of the governors. He puts rulers in power and takes it away when he pleases. In Daniel 4.17 the author says, "This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men." The Bible again shows that the LORD has his hand in all things and giveth rule to those that he is pleased to to put in control. John Piper says in his article about the Submission to Man

As long as authorities punish only what is evil and praise only what is good, submission to God will always conform to submission to the authorities. But if the authorities ever begin to punish the good and reward the bad […], then submission to God will bring us into conflict with the authorities. (Piper, "The Limits of Submission to