Example Of My Coaching Philosophy

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Coaching Philosophy Research
“My coaching philosophy stresses the importance of accountability, responsibility, team unity, mental toughness, discipline, sportsmanship, self-confidence, and a desire to compete.” This is an example of a coach’s philosophy that I got from www.coach.ca. Key points of this philosophy are that he is going to develop well-mannered team by stressing sportsmanship, self-confidence, and responsibility.
I support this coach’s philosophy because I feel that he makes expresses every main aspect of having a successful team. Especially sportsmanship because it’s an important part of the game. Without sportsmanship, teams are not very fun to watch and aren’t respected by other teams.
This coach is also putting emphasis on proper ethics of his athletes. By stressing the importance of …show more content…

If someone on the team makes a mistake, they shouldn’t blame another teammate or bring the team down, they should have accountability and own up to their mistake and just say, “my bad I’ll do better next time”. Each player should be responsible for getting to practice and games on time and getting school work done. I support this philosophy because he focuses on responsibility and that is an important quality of the athletes. Without discipline, players won’t learn right from wrong. In some cases, discipline motivates athletes to perform better if it involves conditioning. If a coach didn’t discipline their players, the team would have a completely different attitude.

I believe that the most important part of being a good basketball player is having a positive attitude.