Examples Of Barriers To Listening

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Barriers to listening
Most of the barriers explored for speaking can also pose as a barrier for listening. However, we will now understand the barriers in specific context to listening. Some of the barriers that are common to all forms of communication are
1. Environmental and Physical Barriers to Listening
2. Cognitive and Personal Barriers to Listening
3. Difference between Speech and Thought Rate
4. Bad Messages and/or Speakers
5. Prejudice
Bad Listening Practices
While all the above barriers have some external factor that is beyond our control, there are other barriers to communication which may be ordinary, but they are simpler to attend with some intensive effort. These bad listening practices include interrupting, aggressive listening, narcissistic listening, and pseudo-listening. Figure 1.2.2: Bad listening practices
Conversations unfold as a series of turns, where each person takes turns to be the sender and the receiver, almost like a dance in which the communicators try to avoid stepping on each other’s toes. One of the main common difficulties in this turn-taking process is interruption.
Aggressive Listening
Aggressive listening is where people pay attention in order to attack something that a speaker says. Aggressive listeners like to ambush speakers in order to comment on their thoughts, behaviour, or other characteristics.
Narcissistic Listening
Narcissistic listening is a form of self-centred and self-absorbed listening in which listeners