The term contingency as utilised as a part of contingency theory is indistinguishable to its utilisation in direct practice and it is a relationship between two marvels. On the off chance, that one phenomenon exists, and then a conclusion can be drawn about another phenomenon. Scholars (Golden Pryor & Taneja, 2010; Spender & Kijne, 2012) clarified that this hypothesis demonstrates the most suitable hierarchical structure depends on the authoritative targets as well as on the circumstance, which incorporates the environment, the innovation utilised, the rate, and pace of progress, the administrative style, the size of the association, and other forces. Additionally, this considered approach derived from the organisational structure and leadership. …show more content…
It is noticed that contingency approach focuses on the need to familiarise the organisation towards the demand of changing technology and need for generating innovation from environmental and decision making uncertainty. Moreover, this approach to organisational design recommends that not a single method is there to handle the managerial problems. In addition to this, it also states that no organisational suit is present that has the ability to meet the requirements of all the situations (Adler, 2009). The main features of contingency approach to organisational design are as …show more content…
Intensive economic development and industrial expansion in relation to different nations has been focused by the classical approach to organisational design. Moreover, various techniques related to production have been focused by the classical approach. While on the other hand, contingency approach to organisation design is diverse because it is diverse in relation to formal schools of management. Moreover, the one best way management principles has been identified by the contingency approach, which is applied to all the organisations. While on the other hand, the experienced managers recognise that all the situations and people must be handled identically. This depicts the fact that contingency approach created the theory due to which universal solutions and principles are not applied to the organisations. In addition to this, the contingency proposed that what is done by the managers is dependent on different set of circumstances. Therefore, it is noticed that contingency theory stresses on situational appropriateness instead of universal