Counterproductive Work Behavior Analysis

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Counterproductive work behavior refers to actions by workers that go against the goals and aims of their leader. CWB (Counterproductive work behaviour) includes any behaviors that damage a company by either directly disturbing its property or operation or displeasing workers to the extent that their job effectuality decreases (Fox, Spector, & Miles, 2001). Research has known 2 types of CWBs: those directed at the organization (CWBO) and those directed at individuals (CWBI) inside the organization (Fox & Spector, 1999; Fox et al., 2001; Robinson & Bennett, 1995). Robinson and Bennett (1995) classified thievery from, sexual harassment toward, and violence against colleagues as major social CWB. Minor interpersonal CWB enclosed behaviors like gossip mongering and blaming coworkers. Corporate-level thievery and sabotage were considered major organizational CWB, whereas minor retaliatory behaviors like submitting below-par work or taking leave when not unwell (Blader, Chang, & Tyler, 2001) were classified as minor organization CWB. Alternative behaviors captured by the CWB literature analysis embrace, limited aren 't restricted to, “cyber loafing” (Lim, 2002), oppress (Ayoko, Callan, & Hartel, 2003), abusive supervising (Tepper, 2000), work violence (Mack, Shannon, Quick, & Quick, 1998), and worker …show more content…

The CWB have direct affects on one’s supervisor (CWB-S) and one’s organization (CWB-O) according to various types of justice. The agent–system model of justice propose that perceptions of fairness concerning one’s manager or supervisor might justify the foremost distinctive variance in CWB-S and perceptions of fairness concerning an organization’s procedures might justify the foremost distinctive variance in CWB-O (Masterson, Lewis, Goldman, & Taylor, 2000). The agent–system model believes that the source of interactional justice is most frequently a supervisor or manager (the agent) and therefore the source of procedural justice is most frequently the organization (the system; Bies & Moag, 1986). Thus, workers can tend to respond to interactional injustice through CWB-S and to procedural injustice through CWB-O. Hypotheses concerning the distinctive effects of various justice types on CWB-S and CWB-O were derived from the agent–system