Examples Of Division In The Kite Runner

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Throughout the novel, Hosseini presents Afghanistan as a country defined by its divisions. This division is shown through the Class division of the Pashtuns and the Hazaras. Generation division, the generation in which Baba grew up and the generation in which Amir grew up in. Lastly, the Gender division of men and women being treated differently, for example, Soraya, and Khala.

The division of classes is one of the main aspects that show Afghanistan's separation. The division signifies the way people are going to be treated throughout the novel and how they might influence others. The main class divisions that are presented by Hosseini are the ones of the Pashtuns and the Hazaras. This division is shown through Amir and Hassan; who grew up …show more content…

Since the presentation of the General he has always been rude to his wife, he has been restrictive towards her and controlling towards his daughter and due to this, he has been seen as the ideal Afghani male, both as a husband and father. “I don't know why you're wasting your talents like this... she earned nothing but A's in high school... could become a lawyer, a political scientist, and inshallah, when Afghanistan is free, you could help write the new constitution.” this represents the idea of restriction and forcing onto others what he believes in, he is able to show others what is better for them even if they don't want to hear and due to her being his daughter, it shows that men at the time were supposed to be listened to and do as they said. For example, Khala, in addition to being understanding and cooperative with the General, she also leaves behind her singing ability which her husband makes her stop singing in public. “... wanted to sing at our wedding, only one song, but the general gave her one of his looks and the matter was buried”, this shows that the general didn't have to explain himself to his wife showing the superiority within the genders. Additionally, the double standard is also presented within the novel which further highlights the definite division within Afghanistan. “She would bear the brunt of that poison, not me - I was …show more content…

This is mainly due to the fact that everyone within the country follows the same ideology. The country itself is filled with people from mainly two different generations which are the old and the young, the old are trying to keep the same type of regime within the country, and because of this, the new generation wanting to keep their fathers and relatives proud by following their rules. Then there is the Pashtuns and the Hazaras that plays a massive part in the division of Afghanistan because you were either a Pashtun with wealthy background or a Hazara with a low income, there was no in between and that's how Afghanistan evolved with two different levels of standards. Lastly, it was presented as a division not only because of the higher incomes and the generations that were growing up and influencing others but also because of the Gender roles within the Afghani society. Women were treated very poorly which went to show that if there was such a division within a family, such as the General prohibiting his wife from signing ever again in public, there was bound to be division in the country, as everyone would follow one type of standard. Afghanistan was presented as a country defined by its