
Examples Of Free Will In Romeo And Juliet

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Passion Without Reason Imagine two crossed star lovers end up dying for each other.
These two lovers are Romeo and Juliet. The question is were the deaths of Romeo and Juliet caused by fate or free will? In the story, two families have a big feud.They hate each other and both families killed one person from each family, Tybalt and Mercutio. In the story Romeo dies because the Friar’s plan failed. It failed because there was a disease that broke into Romeo’s town so they didn’t let anyone in the town, this prevented the messenger from delivering the message to Romeo that Juliet is not dead and she only took a sleeping potion to fake her death so that she wouldn’t have to marry Paris. Romeo thinks that she is dead so he buys poison from the Apothecary. Romeo consumes the drugs and dies. This leaves Juliet all by herself when she wakes up and she discovers him dead so she grabs his sword and stabs herself and dies. Therefore, the deaths of Romeo and Juliet were caused by free will because the Montagues did not attend the party Romeo wouldn’t have ever fell in love, Romeo also wouldn't have wanted to marry Juliet, and Romeo wouldn’t have committed suicide. …show more content…

When Romeo walked in, he discovered Juliet. They fell in love at first sight. In the text it says, “O, She doth teach the torches to burn bright!”(1.5 46-55) This text helps show how he fell in love with her at first sight. Also, it only took them 4 days to get married since they met each other. This is how their deaths are caused by free

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