
Essay On The Real Cause Of Romeo And Juliet's Death

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The Real Cause of Romeo and Juliet’s Death William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, written in 1597, is able to tell the story of “two star-crossed lovers” who end up together despite the obstacles they face. The conclusion that fate caused the two main characters to take their lives is not hard to believe, although no one don’t know the exact reason. Throughout the play, new characters are introduced and new obstacles appear but there is a set series of events that will take place under any circumstance. Fate has set in stone what will happen to both Romeo and Juliet before and after their deaths. There are many different intangible ideas like love and hate that Shakespeare uses next to each other to explain how insane the concepts are. Shakespeare’s prologue starts the novella off …show more content…

Shakespeare writes, “A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life” (P6), showing that Romeo and Juliet are so in love and destined to take their lives at some point. “Star-crossed” lovers brings a new meaning to the love of the two main characters. It shows that their love is written in the stars and they are meant to be together no matter what. Shakespeare is telling the readers that despite the odds, the pair of teenagers will end up taking their lives for their love. When using the term ‘star-crossed’ it relates to the phrase written in the stars. Both of these relate when talking about meant to be. Fate is an abstract idea that both Romeo and Juliet believe in. Throughout the whole play, the two tell of how they believe in fate and how everything happens for a reason. When Romeo sees Juliet lying on the floor he exclaims, “O, here/ will I setup my everlasting rest/ and shake the yoke of inauspicious stars/ from this world-wearied flesh!” (5.3.109-112).

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