Growing Up In Hitler's Shadow By Susan Campbell Bartoletti Analysis

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Adolf Hitler rose to power in 1933 and created Hitler Youth to further his Nazi ideals. In “Hitler Youth - Growing up in Hitler’s Shadow,” author Susan Campbell Bartoletti writes about the ways Hitler used education to spread Nazi ideas. Hitler made sure all students were learning the same things, guaranteed the teachers knew everything about the Nazi ideas and weren't teaching anything else, and enforced that students should not follow any other beliefs and that the Nazi beliefs were correct. He used these methods to transform young German children into perfect Nazis in the future. After Hitler created Hitler Youth, one of his goals were to make sure all the students in the program learned the same thing. He wanted this so that everyone could understand what the real problem was at the time in their mind, the Jews. To enforce everyone studying the same things, Hitler implemented brand new textbooks that students would use daily to learn. This would lead to Hitler’s overall mindset of transforming these young German students into perfect National Socialistic members in the future. Hitler did this so no one else would even think of starting different beliefs, …show more content…

If a student didn’t believe the material they were learning was correct and started to believe different ideas, they would be punished. Hitler used this consequence to ensure everyone had the same mindset as him. Paragraph 4 states, “Nazi teachers did not tolerate disagreement or discussion of other viewpoints”. Even if students disagreed with what they were forced to believe, they had to follow it if they wanted to move onto university where they could learn about subjects they liked. Paragraph 9, it stated that Hitler had an overview of what he expected between the students. A student at the time, Sophie Scholl, had developed her own beliefs, but since she tried to change and stand up for herself, she got