
Examples Of Heroism In The Outsiders

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In the Outsiders, the Greasers turned out to be the heroes, not the Socs. In my opinion, the three Greasers who showed the most heroism are Ponyboy, Johnny, and Darry. They each show it in a different way. My definition of heroism is to help someone in any way possible. You don’t have to risk your life or do some incredible feat to be heroic. Ponyboy showed heroism when he jumped into the burning church to save the kids trapped inside. Earlier that day, Dally Johnny, and he were smoking in the church and accidentally left a burning cigarette inside. While they were on a joyride in Dally’s T-Bird, the church burst into flames, and kids playing in it got trapped inside. Pony jumped into the burning church to save the kids. In the book, Pony says, “We dropped the last of the kids through the front as the church began to crumble”. (93) This is heroism because he risked his life to fix his mistake of burning the church and save the kids. …show more content…

In the church, he looked alive for the first time because he was actually helping someone. While he was getting kids out, a piece of timber fell from the ceiling and hit him. He broke his back and got badly burned. Ponyboy tried to go back, but Dally knocked him out and jumped in to get Johnny out. Johnny later died in the hospital, and one of his last words to Ponyboy was, “It was worth it, it’s worth it saving those kids.” (178) He sacrificed his life for the good of

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