
International Service Learning Pre-Trip Essay

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International Service Learning Pre-Trip Essay
As our trip to Nicaragua comes closer, I am getting excited and looking forward to all of the experiences that I am going to have over spring break. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel to a new place while also doing something that matters. During this trip, I hope to gain a better perspective of my life and make an impact on the lives of others through my work. I think that sometimes people forget how lucky we are to be living where we do, and this trip will give me the opportunity to learn how to be grateful for the things that I have from a new group of people. In addition to this, I also hope to learn more about myself and push myself out of my comfort zone. I have never immersed …show more content…

I have learned that one of my biggest strengths is perseverance, and I am always willing to push through difficult situations and personal issues in order to get our work done. I also think that one of the biggest strengths that our group has as a whole is each other because we can play off of each other’s strengths and use them to our advantage. Throughout my personal experiences as a volunteer, my ability to work with other people has allowed me to learn more and work harder. I really want to make a difference in any way that I can, and I think that my strengths will contribute to the team in a positive way. Overall, I am beyond excited to experience this with the members of our group and I truly believe that the work that we will be doing matters to the people living in Los Fierros. I am so grateful and fortunate to be able to take part in this trip, and I know that I will take away a number of things from this experience. I will be pushing myself out of my comfort zone and learning more about myself, but I will also be using my strengths and working through my weaknesses with the rest of the group as we go to

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