Essay On How To Take A Balanced Approach To Risk Management In Health And Social Care

495 Words2 Pages

• advising upon how to achieve compliance with current, new and amended health and safety regulations, for example the use of VDUs, working at height regulations etc.;
• producing and analysing health and safety performance statistics;
• auditing investigations into all accidents at work;

Heads of Departments/Managers are responsible for their area’s health and safety performance by ensuring the day to day implementation of the health and safety management systems. In particular they are responsible for:
• regular reviews of health and safety performance;
• continually promoting a positive attitude towards health and safety to employees and others;
• approving, reviewing and updating risk assessments as required, including a formal annual …show more content…

• controlling and monitoring contractors on site by ensuring they have an effective health and safety policy and safe systems of work in place to ensure that their work is controlled so as to prevent risk to themselves, employees and the general public;
• ensuring that sufficient health and safety information, (such as risk assessments, procedures, safe systems of work), is available to, and understood by, supervisors, employees and others in their area;
• regularly observing the supervisors health and safety activities, for example spot checks on housekeeping compared with the established standards;
• evaluating supervisors health and safety performance as part of the personal development review;
• authorising purchases of tools and equipment necessary to comply with statutory regulations;
• ensuring competence through recruitment, selection and training of employees;
• developing a training plan which includes specific job instructions for new or transferred employees and ensuring that this is actioned;
• ensuring that emergency arrangements and first-aid procedures are followed in the event of serious and imminent danger;
• ensuring that overtime or shift workers and their supervisors are aware of actions to be taken in the event of an