
Explain The Six Strategies To Support Literacy Development

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Overall there are six strategies to support literacy development. We though we only look at five of them. One is language enrichment. It's all about building up the child vocabulary. Development vocabulary it's important that they have plenty of opportunities to be able to meet simple texts and if necessary helped and have words explained to them. The more literacy they are exposed to the larger their vocabulary will grow. The more the understanding grows the more that vocabulary can be measured. The more a child is spoken two help to increase their vocabulary. It's important not just to talk to then simply what to talk to then in more complex terms so that they experience difficult words.

Another strategy would be to use special equipment and resources. Special equipment would include things such as structured computer programs and games. Resources would be things such as workbooks, tutoring and daily reading sessions. There are computer programs around that are able to help teach children to read. It may therefore fall to the teaching assistant to either do one-on-one learning or small group learning around a computer the small period of time. It would also be the teaching assistant’s job to do games with the pupils again either one-on-one or in small groups. Groups may be better as that way the pupils are challenging each …show more content…

One way to successfully learn vocabulary is to repeat what you are reading especially if help is needed to understand the text. It is better if they do it orally as they will receive guidance and feedback from the teaching assistant. By getting that guidance and feedback children are more likely to become better readers. They include in word recognition, fluency of reading and comprehension. It is therefore important that children are given time to read out loud to a member of staff either through a learning to read book or by reading any instructions for work to be

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