Explain What People Generally Believe About The Existence Of Life On Other Planets Essay

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Integrated Speaking: Academic lecture

Task 1: Using information from the lecture, describe what people generally believe about the existence of life on other planets.
Example Answer: The lecturer explains how the idea of life on other planets is still up in the air. So a clearly defined answer has not yet been reached. Many people have also been negatively influenced by the lack of results. The search for life on other planets has taken and may continue to take many years so some people feel that this idea of life on other planets is simply unimaginable. Some also feel that they will only believe it if they see it. Since they have never seen firsthand evidence of life on other planets they refuse to believe in it as a legitimate theory.

Native Expression
Up in the air: Means that a situation or issue is still unresolved or unsettled.
Example Sentence: I haven't yet chosen what I will major in at college so I feel like my future is still up in the air.

Task 2: Explain in detail the meaning of William Borucki’s words. …show more content…

As the principal investigator for NASA's Kepler mission, he would have personally been part of different missions into space and been privy to classified information about planets and the exploration of space. So given his understanding of these matters, he actually stated that what we are looking for is the second earth. We are all aware that our planet is as good as it gets. There is nothing better or more sustainable to life than the planet earth. So his thinking is that the day we find other planets like ours, like earth, is the day that we will also find life on those