Explain What Types Of Companies Are Most Likely To Adopt Cloud-Based CRM Software Services

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MIS - Optional Assignment Brajen Muka 1. What types of companies are most likely to adopt cloud- based ERP and CRM software services? Why? What companies might not be well- suited for this type of software? The type of companies that are most likely to adopt to cloud-based ERP and CRM software services are corporations who would like to decrease the cost of an having IT staff, such as large corporations that have a large IT team, they may want to lower costs in this category. A cloud based CRM allows users to use software quickly, this creates less need for an IT staff in the company. Also, technological upgrades would no longer be mandatory for this business as they would become the distributor's responsibility. Now cloud-based applications require an internet connection that is reliable, this can be an issue for workplaces in areas the internet connection is weak. The companies that might not be well-suited for this type of software are companies from that are small or middle-sized. These corporations are not best suited for this type of technology mostly due to budget, even though cloud based applications cut cost there still must be a reasonable budget available. When it comes …show more content…

One of the most important advantage is increased storage capacity, as the cloud can hold more data than most computers, Also there is no additional hardware required for this type of technology which cuts costs for many businesses that will use this technology. The disadvantages of using cloud-based enterprise applications are such things the need for an internet connection all the time for the technology to use as well as less control over the data, Also there is the threat of vulnerability as cloud based systems are connected with the public internet people can access data that is not thees more

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