Explain Why Companies Should Not Be Allowed To Market To Children

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Many companies market products to children, through many different ways. They market through commercials on children's shows, and through ads on games that kids play. They are made to appeal to children so that they can sell their product easier. Many companies think that marking through children is easier because they are more gullible and easily persuaded. I think that companies should not be permitted to market to children for many different reasons. One reason why i think that companies should not be allowed to market to children is because a lot of kids now have ipads, tablets or other electronics that they use to play games on or watch things. When kids are played games and something pops up on the screen most kids are going to click on it. Companies design ads to appeal to children so they are drawn to it. Once they click on it toys, snakes and other things are going to show and the kids are going to want what they see. They are too young to know the difference between things they want and things they need. …show more content…

When you put in your information most of the time now it stays in there so if you want to order again you won't have to put in all your information again. It includes stuff such as the mailing address, and the card information. Usually when you browser things you start to get a bunch of ads of the same product to make you want it more. If kids get on there and theses ads are coming up they are going to click on it, and just with a touch of a button they will be able to buy anything due to all your information being in the system already. A lot of companies know this to so they advertise products off websites you have ordered off