Explain Why I Want To Study In Australia Essay

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If you want a great future, one of the best things that you can invest on today is your education. If you want invaluable experience together with that high quality education, the best decision you can make is to study overseas.

Having studied in another country is something that can totally change you and bring you knowledge and understanding that you can never achieve by learning inside the four walls of a classroom. By getting an international education, you get top notch education, plus a firsthand experience of another culture, an opportunity to create international contacts with your classmates, and it also makes a great addition to your future resume.

Australia is the third most preferred country to study in by international students all over the world. Only behind the US and the UK when it comes to the number of English-speaking international students, Australia currently has over 40,000 foreign students studying in the country’s …show more content…

Between the years of 2005 to 2009, the country experienced an unsustainable rate with the number of international students in the country, due to foreign students studying in the vocational and training sector. The Australian student visa was being used by many as a means for skilled migration. This increase, however, halted when the federal government made changes to the terms of the visa regarding its link to the pathway to work-related migration.

This year, though, the Trends report an increase of student visa applications from 280,000 last year, to 290,761 as of the 3rd quarter of the year. With this large scale influx of foreign students wanting to enroll in Australia’s top universities, the Department of Immigration has been processing applications in a timely manner, with 50% being processed within 14 days of lodging, 75% within 30 days, and 93% of them being