
Explain Why International Students Will Be More Successful In American Universities

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International students will be more successful in American universities if they have skills in studying, language, and learning. LASSI used to measure study strategies, attitudes about study, how to organized time, and focusing. There are some beliefs that students attending American universities differ from international students because they show more responsibility. Also, there are some helpful steps that could help international students prepare for taking classes in American universities by visiting campus, looking for classes, and talking to American students. As cited by Charles F. Able (2002) resilience and time spend studying/learning are the most powerful things in academic classes. Also, the author states that there is a relationship between academic …show more content…

The author stated that if international students need a tutor or extra help they can go to the office of student services. Study groups and friends can help by improving language skills and learning about the culture. The author explains the reasons why international students face hard challenges with academic classes in the U.S. For example, most international students are not used to speaking in class. International students can be more comfortable in their academic classes by taking classes with a good professor who can lecture well. Also, class participation and games are important because they can help students. Thus, the students will not be bored, class time will be faster, and students will get more energy. There are important strategies that help international students achieve academic success when studying at universities in the U.S. International students should try to find professors who give models for participation by recommending critiques or analysis of the lecture material. Finally, they should look for professors who make them talk and discuss about different kinds of experiences and make them do

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