Explain Why Schools Should Not Be Replaced By Online Learning

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Schools Should Not Be Replaced By Online Learning

Have you ever thought of taking an online course? Well, if you haven’t , I’m glad, but if you have I hope you read this text before taking a decision.
Nowadays, a lot of students are having an online education instead of going to school, but what they don’t realize is that if schools were replaced by online learning, a lot of people would lose their jobs. The most compelling evidence is the number of teachers in the US: the 2015/16 survey estimates there are 3.8 million public school teachers in the US; the 2010 survey estimates there are 437,000 private classroom teachers in the US; and the 2007/08 survey estimate there are 72,000 charter school teachers in the US. Consequently, that would cause a huge economic problem.
Not only people would lose their jobs, but students would also be harmed because schools also prepare them for real life, something that online learning can not do. With online learning there is no face to face discussions and limited social interaction. …show more content…

Experts from California State University say that an important component of classroom learning is social and communicative interactions between teacher and student, and student and student. They also said that when a professor is physically in front of you, you can read his or her body language mannerisms, gestures, tone, volume and so on. These things help you to interpret and recall the information being presented. Therefore, students get a better performance in paper than screens, and they prefer face to face classes. Business Insider, thorough a research, found that students preferred and performed better when reading on screens, but their performance tended to