Explain Why The Olympic Games Have Changed Over Time Essay

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The Olympics have changed a lot over time. The Olympics have now been held all over the world. Thousands of people have participated in the games. The Olympics have changed over time for these 3 reasons, the Olympics evolved throughout generations of games, the admission of women have affected the games, and political views have also changed the games forever.

The Olympics have evolved throughout generations of games. For example, the author states, “Many more events have been added, women are included, and team sports have become popular competitions” (Barton,P.#13). What the author is trying to say is that the Olympic games have changed over many generations. Over the years, aspects of the games have been changed or completely removed. One example is from the first few game rules, the participants were male, and completely naked. For example, the author states that, “The athletes did not wear clothes” (Barton,P.#3). What the author is trying to say is that this rule of the old games has been changed over time, along with many other aspects of the Olympics. Overall, the games have been affected by modern solutions and rules. …show more content…

For example, the author states, “Today, any new sport that is introduced must contain women's events” (Abbink,P.#7). What the author is saying is that the admission of women has turned the Olympics into a men and women's sport event. The admission of women has brought a lot of firsts in the games. For example, the author states, “The first and only Olympic event in which a mother and daughter have competed together” (Abbink,P.#6) What the author is trying to say is that the admission of women has inspired all kinds of people and families to participate in the games. This is why the admission of women has changed the Olympic games