Explain Why Would Anyone Ever Want To Use Algae As A Green Fuel

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Now the question presents itself; “why would anyone ever want to use algae as a fuel?” Algae is an extremely green fuel. Algae based fuel has a carbon neutral combustion meaning it isn’t bad for the environment. This means that if algae became one of the leading sources of fuel it wouldn’t pollute like gasoline or diesel. It is also a plant, meaning when it grows it converts CO2 into oxygen, meaning it takes pollutants and turns them into breathable air. It also doesn’t have to be grown in a stereotypical place like the farm that one might think of with fields and a barn. Algae can actually be grown anywhere with water, it can even be grown in murky water and waste water where not even fish can survive. The great thing about algae is it acts as a natural filter and will actually eat the waste in the water cleaning it. Algae also has a higher yield per acre than any other biofuels (such as corn). To top it all off, after 50 years of research on algae in the U.S. it is starting to scale up and is getting to be a more and more popular fuel. …show more content…

However the most common fuels today are not. Fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and even nuclear power aren’t green fuels. All of these fuels leave waste behind, although nuclear energy is the cleanest massed produced energy source as of right now, it still leaves behind waste rods that have to be dumped away from the population as they are radioactive. Algae doesn’t produce waste. The only thing that algae produces is more algae and oxygen. Algae even cleans the environment it is in. This means if the world converted from other fuels to algae global warming would be less of a problem because it doesn’t put out carbon dioxide to destroy the ozone layer, we would have cleaner air and even our water would be cleaner. Algae could really turn the world

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