Extended Definition Essay

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Antonio Layo Calderon Jr. November 17th, 2014 Extended Definition Essay N04A Strength Strength, as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is the quality or state of being strong. Nowadays, it is usually used to define bodily strength. “Strength is the capacity to break a Hershey bar into four pieces with your bare hands – and then eat just one of the pieces.” Viorst (1979) Love and Guilt and the Meaning of Life, Etc. However, I believe that strength can be present in any person, either bodily, mentally, or morally. To have bodily strength is to be physically strong. There are many people around …show more content…

It was during the fall of 1963, that Lee started teaching martial arts. According to Burrows (2002) at Historylink.org, there were many leaders of the Chinese martial arts community criticizing him for teaching martial arts to students who were not Chinese. He was then challenged by them to have a fight where, if he did not win, he would need to shut down his institute or cease training students who were not Chinese. (para. 19) Lee accepted this challenge and easily took down his opponent. It was during this fight that Lee developed his own fighting style called ‘Jeet Kune Do’. Lee later came to be an actor because of his skills in the martial arts. Until today, Lee has been considered to be one of the best martial artists in the world. Another example for a person with immense bodily strength would be Muhammad Ali. According to Hauser (1991), Ali was, generally, the most magnificent boxer, who was able to earn his title in his youth and retain it at an old age. Attaining the heavyweight championship title for three years made Ali the first person in history to achieve that. During his time as a boxer, Ali was quick with his punches and dodged every punch that