Falsely Advertised Nutrition Values

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Falsely Advertised Nutrition Values
“Advertisers and companies are using this front-of-package tactic to mislead consumers into thinking their products are healthier than they really are,” (Dawson). Advertising food is important because if companies advertise their products well, consumers will want to eat it. Companies are falsely advertising nutrition values of various foods to get consumers to buy their product, the consumers are eating something thinking it is something else. Falsely advertised nutrition values are becoming a problem in our country and community because consumers might not know what they are eating and therefore might not be getting the proper nutrition they need.
Local advertisers are using false nutrition values to get consumers to buy their products. The proper nutrition promised by the advertisers is not really given by the product. “Of the 58 …show more content…

Consumers all over the country are buying products thinking that it offers one thing, but really it is something different. “A "health claim" by definition has two essential components: (1) a substance (whether a food, food component, or dietary ingredient) and (2) a disease or health-related condition,” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). If a health claim is advertised falsely, consumers will believe the claim and buy the product. “A statement lacking either one of these components does not meet the regulatory definition of a health claim,” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). If the statement lacks a component, the information might not be valid. The impact is that consumers all over the country aren’t getting proper nutrition because they believe what is promised by advertisers. Consumers all over the country are not getting proper nutrition because they think that they are eating what is promised by