Fast Food Argument Analysis

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How has fast food been harming health and how can one prevent future health problems? Fast food has been increasing obesity and the number of people that are overweight. Dhruv Khullar, a professor in public health and social justice at Yale University, says “we have created a food environment so ripe for obesity that to expect anything else would be irrational” (136). Our environment is ready for obesity due to our high demanding culture and poor food education. America lacks a stable culture according to journalist, Michael Pollan. As in low in-come areas, one views an outrageous ratio from stores that carry processed food versus those that carry organic food. We have allowed television to broadcast negative eating habits, showing and promoting …show more content…

Food advertisement plays a huge role because many young children are accustomed to watching television, therefore making food ads directed to children. Food companies are promoting only unhealthy food, none which contain any health benefits. Khullar mentions that we should “ask the industry to refrain from advertising foods that contain unhealthful amounts of sugar, salts, and fats…[and] encourage the production of healthier options.” We should place some pressure on food companies to begin removing all negative advertising. Despite the negative food advertisements which encourage negative eating habits, we don’t have much food knowledge. Food education can improve the future of children because it can teach them how to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food. In an interview with Questlove and Donald Link, a New-Orleans chef, Link mentions has been providing education to others to improve food education. Link says, “I try to deal with it by staying focused on local issues…apprenticeship…show up and work…” (108). Link has been offering work positions but can only do so much especially supporting only his community, we need it to be widespread. If more people provide food education similar to Link, perhaps the obesity epidemic and the amount of overweight people will significantly reduce and reverse the trend of fast food. By providing food education, people will be more selective of their food choices and select the one with the most nutrients rather than the processed low-nutrient food. But one should not just limit to teaching how to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods but teach other aspects of food education. For example, how to read nutrition labels, and understand long term consequences of obesity as well as other health issues. Khullar suggest we empower the youth to make better, healthier, and more informed decisions, which will help reduce