Fasted Doughnuts

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Fasted Doughnuts The first group tested was the fasted group who ate six donettes. According to our data, in the first 30 minutes the blood glucose raised from 82mg/dL to 128mg/dL. This is a 56% increase, which shows the dramatic spike that the glucose in the white wheat donettes caused in the blood. The students who ate the donettes originally had the lowest glucose levels of the four groups starting at 82mg/dL and resulted in the highest blood glucose spike at 128mg/dL. After this initial spike, the blood glucose dropped to 113mg/dL at 60 minutes, 110mg/dL at 90 minutes, and finally down to 99mg/dL at 120 minutes. There was a steady decrease of blood glucose from the highest at 129mg/dL down to 99mg/dL . This 23% drop shows that the …show more content…

As shown in Figure 2, the blood glucose did not spike up, but went in a curved, steady line, and dropped in a more controlled manner. The students who participated in eating the wheat bagel started with an average fasted state of 83mg/dL. After the bagel was ingested the blood glucose levels raised to 102mg/dL. After 60 minutes, the blood glucose kept increasing to 110mg/dL. Unlike with the donette, the bagel took a longer time to raise. The total increase of blood glucose was 32% increase. Finally, at 90 minutes the blood glucose dropped slowly to 108mg/dL and dropped to 96mg/dL at 120 with an 11% …show more content…

This group’s average blood glucose to start was 94mg/dl, significantly higher than all the other groups because of their fed state. After the blood glucose was taken for this fed group, they ran for 12 minutes. At the 30 minute mark the students retook their blood sugar and saw that it went down 1% to 93mg/dl. When the blood glucose was tested at 60 minutes the blood glucose lowered to 82mg/dl with a decrease of 12%. At 90 minutes the blood glucose of the students started to rise again to 86mg/dl. Finally at 120 minutes the blood glucose rose back to

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