Field Education Experience Paper

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During the beginning stage of my Field Education experience, in Outreach ministry, and before any activity took place, I reflected on my ministry calling as I consider what kind of internship might best serve me on my journey. It was helpful for me to ask questions of myself such as, can I do this? Do I know enough? Will people like me? How will I fit one more thing into my busy life? Will they respect my ministry? What kind of a person do I need as a mentor? What kinds of ministry experience would best serve me? Inviting those who have known me to speak into my life. Finding a ministry that was warm and inviting was a key component for a successful experience.
The purpose of field experience is to provide opportunities for students to develop ministry skills by working alongside a mentor or practitioner in a church institution or other ministry settings that deemed appropriate. However, part of the field experience begins by listening to you heart, life and calling from God and pursuing a connection with possible Field Experience …show more content…

Nevertheless, the pastor was kind and courteous. The field education experience was not known to him, and he welcomed me with opened arms. He and a servant of the Outreach Ministry provided me with a tour of the church. It was immaculate, and the Outreach section was outstanding. More importantly, it was centered around the criteria I set for myself. I was well pleased to be able to delve into the pastor’s openness concerning the program.
Once I found the church/pastor, together we brainstorm regarding the types of learning experiences I should seek during the Field Experience. Together from my learning experience, I sought to balance my hopes and desires with ministry needs. And as I stated earlier, I spoke openly with him inviting him to do the same. He posed this question, “why have you chosen an Outreach to engaged in