Five Bases Of Power

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Introduction Power in the social dimension is simply the capacity to bring about certain intended consequences in the behaviour of others (Gardner, 1993). French and Raven (1959) purposed five bases of the power and divided to position power and personal power. So, who have a power and control it? Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal (Northouse, 2010). The most efficiency ways are the leader exercise the power to influence. How can the leader exercise their power and influence the subordinate with a great outcomes and what tacit used by the power controller also who is the power broker make a power collapsed in hotel industry? Power Even a teacher, parents, police, manager …show more content…

Legitimate Power is very common when the power controller access the power. The other name of this power called formal authority . Such as the superior assign the task to the subordinate related their job duties. Coercive power is through the punishment to force the employee to complete a task or doing better. It can be alert the staff on their behaviour. For example, GM through HR department gave a written warning to staff about his attendance. The warning noted if he gets late again without a reasonable reason, he will be dismissal. That’s the right way to access a power. However, it may have negative effect if a power abused. Lunenburg (2012) annotated legitimate power used arbitrarily and unethically will changing to coercive. By cases, the manager request the secretary to finish two thousand questionnaires before leave when she supposed off work and if she doesn’t follow the instruction will get a punishment. In cases, the manager was exercise his authority to assign the work to secretary and she need to finish her job duties however it is unreasonable and undesirable. The formal authority will convert to coercive …show more content…

Knowledge is power (Francis Bacon).Sometimes knowledge is one of important requirement in workplace. Luthans (2011) stated granted expert power; followers must perceive the power holder to be credible, trustworthy and relevant. However, these kinds of power have limited. The expert is knowledgeable in some area but not comprehensive in other area. Referent power is most visible in the area of charismatic leadership (Daft, R.L. & Marcic, D, 2011). The leader must like, admire and respect to the followers. In the real life, Allan Zeman was a model of both powers. He used the business strategy to continuous the Ocean Park, that’s kind of expert power. The subordinates become a follower and willing to follow. The press from Ocean Park website mentioned that because of his unfailing leadership to change the park into world- class theme park before he retired. That’s why he can be chairmen for past eleven