Fixed Mindset Analysis

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Growth mindset is base on your qualities were you can create things that you can put your efforts into. A fixed mindset is were you have set a goal for yourself were you just create an urgency to prove to yourself over and over again and there is no change to that. There is always a different points such as have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset which can be different how people view differently in multiple situations. These situation can always take a turn, when you're dealing with your problems. But more than often is how you're dealing with a different situation that has both growth and fixed mindset. Everybody’s really different from each other but they do have one thing in common is we all have both growth and fixed mindsets. …show more content…

I have been playing soccer for 2 years and my position is being the goalkeeper. Being a goalkeeper is very difficult but it pushes you. In that situation when I was playing the ball slip through my hand and into the net. My first reaction was I couldn't do it anymore, I gave up, it was unacceptable for me that I let the ball in and that turn into a worst day that I couldn’t function in the game. My coach said to me “It okay, just let that go and the next time you’ll get it.” I was surprised when she said that and I slowly started to embrace it learned that I can do it better next time. Growth can be dependable to any situations it challenges you to do …show more content…

Frustration takes a part in my life where it bundles everything into a ball. I never learned how to over come my frustration I always just tend to feel the need to give up on everything that comes through my pathway. Frustration is something that I couldn't change where Im just dealing with a problem matter. Having a fixed mindset can sometimes be in a good or bad situations it can either show you the way or it can turn into a complete maze. Growth and fixed mindset is very different from each other, it how you put yourself in situations and how you show yourself. Growth and fixed mindset are different form of ideas for people, it can be an either or situations on other people. For me I depend on both because I tend to stick to one problem at a time rather then changing the idea. In other times I slowly progress my challenges and try to embrace the feedbacks on what I do. What I believe is growth and fixed mindset it just depends on how you and I put ourself there's no right or wrong answer it all just depends your personally and how you show yourself and how everyone has the elements of both mindsets, although you probably lean one way or the