Flu Vaccination Persuasive Essay

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Flu vaccinations are becoming more and more popular as people begin to have more contact with each other. A positive outcome of this are advertisements which come from the CDC. The Centers for Disease Control's flu vaccine advertising campaign uses several persuasive techniques to persuade a broad audience that getting vaccinated is beneficial.

The "Spread popcorn. Not flu." advertisement effectively uses the association technique to convince people to get the flu vaccine. The advertisement targets parents of young children, who could easily associate the children in the picture with their own children. In the ad, young children are sharing a bowl of popcorn. This has a positive connotation of friendship and sharing. But the image also implies …show more content…

Not flu." advertisement also effectively uses the the association technique to convince people to get the flu vaccine. The advertisement targets young adults, who could associate the young adults in the pictures as themselves. The young adults in the photo are enjoying the music that then gives off a good connotation of friendship and happiness. The closeness of the teens in the photo also show that they could be sharing germs. Because of the association technique, young adults are persuaded to get themselves vaccinated. They certainly would not want to not listen to music with their friends. Therefore, this ad effectively encourages vaccination.

The "Shots aren't just for kids" advertisement is another example on how the CDC uses universal appeal to convince adults to get the flu vaccine. The advertisement targets adults, who could associate the other figures in the picture with themselves. The adults in the photo are all lined up like a generation line. This shows that family is important but to be a family there are germs. Because of the universal appeal technique, adults are persuaded to get themselves vaccinated. They certainly would want to keep being with their family. Therefore, this ad effectively encourages