Fossil Fuels Advantages And Disadvantages

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Since the discovery, fossil fuels are dominating as the main energy source.
Even now half of the energy is produces from the fossil fuels. According to the stats of the International Energy Academy in 2014 consumption of the crude oil was around 40.7% followed by the natural gas and coal by 15.2% and 10.1% respectively. Where biofuels and other renewable sources contributed just about 15%.[1]The major drawbacks of using the fossil fuels is they raises serious environment causes, like very high amount of carbon dioxide production which affects the humans and responsible for ozone layer depletion and global warming. Just because of it many cities world wide faces pollution problem, mainly in china who utilizes about 28% of world coal consumption.[2] Nearly 21.3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide produces from the fossil fuel combustion,[3] but due to natural processes half of the amount absorbed. Another pitfall of it is the amount of the fossil fuel present in the earth crust is limited. This is the reason behind the high cost. Due to limited amount and high amount of usage, it was stated that the fossil fuels will run out earlier, nearly 2080[4]. So, it is necessary to have another reliable energy source. More preferable will be renewable sources, like wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy etc. For wind energy we require big wind towers and for solar, solar plates which also includes rare silicon. Another useful source is hydrogen gas but till now we