Four Healthcare Models Used In Industrialized Nations

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There are four different healthcare models used in industrialized nations. They are:
1. The Beveridge Model: Provides healthcare to all citizens and is financed by the government through tax payments. This is also known as socialized medicine.
2. The Bismarck Model: Uses an insurance system and is usually financed jointly by employer and employees through payroll deductions.
3. The National Health Insurance Model: Has elements of both Beveridge and Bismarck Models. Uses private sector providers but payment comes from a government run insurance program that is funded by citizens through a premium of tax. These programs are less expensive and administration costs
4. The Out of Pocket Model: Found in majority of the world. Those that have money and pay for healthcare, can get it and those that don’t stay sick of die.
The US healthcare system is …show more content…

Process of leaving military life and adjusting to civilian life requires the support of friends, family, and often mental health professionals. The facilities in VA clinics can help combat their mental dilemmas like post traumatic disorders or anxiety to return home etc. (Retrieved from,
The Bismarck Model is seen in the employer provided health insurance coverage. The mental health coverage is not mandatory for the employer to provide for their employees in US. It is their choice and I think if every employer provides this coverage, their workforce maybe motivated to do better work and be productive instead of being sluggish due to any mental condition like depression they may have.
Medicaid and Medicare can be compared to The National Health Insurance Model. Medicaid is the single largest provider of mental health services in US. Federal statutes require Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program to comply with mental health parity