Frankenstein Pros And Cons Essay

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Frankenstein: With the Advancing of Science Comes Consequences
Certain discoveries throughout history have changed the world whether for the good or bad. It is believed there exists many pros and cons to these discoveries. Science is certainly taking off with leaps and bounds as according to bibliometric analysts Lutz Bornmann and Ruediger Mutz “global scientific output doubles every nine years” (Noorden). Scientists continue to do unimaginable things in the science field. These miracles continue to occur almost daily. The goal of some of these scientists is to reduce human suffering through cloning. Some scientists strive to achieve artificial intelligence through robots. But do these certain advancements propose a threat to society? Shown through the events in the novel Frankenstein and the recent scientific advancements in today’s society, progressing science too quickly can lead to unwanted consequences.
The main character Victor …show more content…

People question what challenges human cloning brings to the table like whether it is moral, legal, and what social challenges it causes. To the people who believe cloning is morally right, this cloning proves to be risky as it mentions, “The success rate in cloning is quite low: most embryos fail to develop, and many pregnancies end in miscarriage” (Why Clone). People who are willing to clone humans face the risk of the unwanted consequences of a failed development of the embryo or a miscarriage. Science will continue to work to improve the techniques of cloning which will spark the idea for more humans to try it but they will be facing this possibility of the consequences. “And once techniques become more streamlined and efficient, they fear that some may be tempted to take that next step” (Why Clone). Before someone should jump the gun and decide to clone humans, they should recognize the potential outcomes that may be