Persuasive Essay On Cloning Animals

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Over the last 30 years, a huge controversy has come to embody the world of research, that is the cloning and embryo transfer. Scientists have developed the materials and knowledge needed to clone an egg. Because of this advancement the new question is -- is this morally acceptable or not? Many believe that cloning animals is amazing and could be very useful throughout the various uses of animals, but how do we feel about the cloning of humans? That is where this controversy occurs-- because Humans are in the Animal Kingdom, cloning humans would be very similar to cloning a monkey. The ethics behind cloning another human being seems strange, so where should the line be drawn? Over all, Where do we as people have the right to deem …show more content…

One being creating a somewhat perfect heard of cattle, by finding the choice genetics and cloning that cow. This provides better meat production and always getting choice cuts of beef off of those choice animals. Another option would be to do as Charmayne James did with her champion barrel racing horse, Scamper. They cloned Scamper into another horse named Clayton, who although was identical to Scamper, did not have the speed or agility that Scamper had, making the cloning a waste of her money, but an advancement in the cloning research.4 This knowledge that was gained from the unsuccessful cloning of Scamper could be considered a con towards cloning. Another con would be that you would waste an egg of a donor, therefore not allowing that egg to every become a living thing. Also, cloning has not become a perfect science yet so fertility rates are extremely low, for example; “The cloning of Dolly used 277 eggs, 30 began to divide, nine induced pregnancy, and only one survived to term”(percentages shown in the following chart). 3 Dr poo, who is researching the cloning of primates, also explains how difficult it is to get an egg to develop and grow as a monkey through the Cloning process, by stating that “79 cloned oocytes, which were implanted into 21 surrogate mothers. Six pregnancies took hold, and two developed to full