Persuasive Essay On Human Cloning

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In science fiction, cloning has been one of the main recurring themes in plots of these stories. Now, cloning is becoming a reality, but only with animals, such as the notable Dolly the Sheep in 1996. With Dolly becoming a huge breakthrough in science, possibilities and ideas of cloning sprung into the minds of many. In addition, a common question is brought about: Should scientists clone humans? Many are open and curious to the idea of cloning human beings, but then there many who are skeptical and weary of this concept. While both sides have convincing points to their arguments, cloning of humans is not something the world is ready for. Human cloning should not be a priority in the field of cloning because of financial costs, resource distributions, and ethical concerns.

Of the many reasons why human cloning should not be implemented, financial costs are one of those reasons. In order to conduct experiments and procedures, scientists receive grants from the government. However, the government gets that money from taxes imposed on citizens. If human cloning becomes a priority in the cloning field, …show more content…

Human Cloning can indeed have its advantages. For example, military, experimental, and other beneficial uses. While, initially, sounds beneficial, there is still the fact that these clones are human. Many associate the definition of being human as having ideas, striving a goal, making something out of themselves, and freedom. Using human clones as pawns in war tactics, or as lab rats for experiments of the human body diminishes the clones value as a human. As a result of human discrimination, there will be movements to grant rights to clones and the possibility of rebellion amongst clones; similarly, to the enslavement of African-Americans in the American colonies and the uprisings that came from that. Nevertheless, dealing with human relations is, and always will, have ethical and moral