Free Time Boredom Measurement Assessment

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When administering the Free Time Boredom Measurement assessment, I found it very easy to process. The actual measurement took about five to ten minutes to fill out and another five to ten minutes to complete the Free Time Boredom Measurement Scoring Sheet. The scoring sheet involved simple mathematics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, making it very easy for the TRS or assessment administrator to calculate the subscale scores and total Free Time Boredom score. The language used in the measurement is at an elementary age level therefore making it easy for the majority of the population to understand. I also found other copies when I googled the Free Time Boredom Measurement, making it stress-free for anyone to print off …show more content…

“Client assessment is not just a piece of paper”(M5: Assessment) which essentially means the assessment encompasses many standard and non-standardized tools. “There must be a logical connection between the assessment and programs delivered to clients” (M5: Assessment), entails the tools used are causing a positive effect and meeting client goals. This principle links with principle four, which states, “client placement into programs should be based on assessment results not just opinions”. These are closely related because the TRS should not be choosing interventions just because they prefer it but because they know there is a connection between the intervention and clients goals. Another principle is the tool “should provide baseline information”(M5: Assessment) in which the TRS can make inferences about whether the client is progressing or regressing based on the baseline information gathered. The final principle is the tool must be reliable and valid, which I believe it …show more content…

This could be a starting point for me to find the areas of improvement in maybe how they invest their time, if they feel happy when involved in certain activities, or many other inferences that will help me in the planning and implementation phases of the TR process. During the evaluation phase is when I can re-administer the Free Time Boredom Measurement to indicate if any subscales improved and what still needs to be worked on. Termination would be the final step if I found the intervention was successful and the client did not need my services anymore. I recently applied to a company called Trellis, in which I will be an after school aide to children on the autism spectrum. This is a home and community based program. If possible I would like to use this tool to help my client’s and I indicate any deficits of their free time such as lack of interest, not using physical abilities to its full potential, or if they feel they do not have resources available to them to have fun. I will be working with a wide range of ages starting from age 8 to as old as 21, so this tool may not be beneficial for the younger ages but I know it will be beneficial for the older ages. The older clients, by