Gang Action Plan Paper

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To the outside world gangs are simply violent groups of individuals who cause problems in the community and surrounding areas. This paper provides an action plan to resolve the gang issue over the long-term. In order to resolve the gang situation the purpose for the gang, the influences that keep it strong, and potential catalysts within the community require identification.
Children and Gangs
According to the AACAP (2011) the main reason children and adolescents join gangs is because they desire a sense of connection. Also during this stage in their lives they want to find out who they are and a gang could help define that. There are other reasons such as self-protection, protection of loved ones, money, or a family member may already be a member (AACAP, 2011).
Entrance into a gang is dangerous mentally, physically, and emotionally. In order to join usually …show more content…

Afterschool programs such as tutoring, art, language, and other enrichment activities will keep the children connected to positive sources. Also, school are usually a safe environment that would not allow the gang members access. Schools can provide programs that keep the children after school until their parents get home. Additionally, athletics, art, community based programs, and religious affiliated programs could be utilized (AACAP, 2011). Solution 2: involves exposure to incarcerated individuals who were once gang members. This is similar to the shows scared straight. Of course the parents’ consent is needed before these types of programs would be allowed. The children need to know that the glamor and allure of these types of organizations have a down side. These children need to know the realities of death, never getting out of jail, difficulty getting a job or even getting into college due to gang activities. The message will be much more powerful and meaningful coming from peers who have experienced the situation first

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