Gaulli, 1674-65: Triumph Of The Name Of Jesus

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EXHIBIT 65: GAULLI, “Triumph of the Name of Jesus”, 1674-79, ceiling fresco.
EXHIBIT 42: CORREGGIO, “Assumption of the Virgin”, 1522-30, fresco.

Giovanni Battista Gaulli, also known as Il Baciccio was a famous painter in the Baroque and Catholic Counter-Reformation period. His work of art “Triumph of the Name of Jesus” deals with classical and tenebrism themes, using light and dark contrasts with illusionistic perspective painting. “The nave fresco, with its contrast of light and dark, spills dramatically over its frame, then turns into sculptured figures, combining painting, sculpture, and architecture” (Janson, p.673). The illusion of clouds and angels floating down through an opening in the church's vault shows the technique called trompe-l'oiel.