Gay Marriage Persuasive Essay

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The concept of gay couples isn't something new being introduced into the world. In fact the presence of gay couples have been prominent throughout history; if the Greeks and Romans can do it why is the issue so taboo today? Why is it that in some parts of the world a woman can't love a woman and a man can't love a man? Allowing gay couples the benefits of straight couples, like legal marriage and health benefits, can only help society.

Today there are a large portion of people who don't support same sex marriage because of their roots in faith believing marriage should be between a man and a woman, as described in the bible. At least that is what we take away from the Baker VS Nelson Supreme Court case that defines a marriage as being between …show more content…

There are only 16 states that allow gay couples to adopt through joint gay adoption,no matter the circumstances. The rest are made on a case -by- case basis or by second parent adoption only (Alper). There are 400,000 children living in foster care in the United States. Of those 400,000 children 100,000 are waiting to be adopted or put in permanent placement housing. With these statistics state legislatures are still hesitant to grant adoption rights to gay households ( A prominent argument and reason for this is that people seem to think that being raised by a same- sex couple prevents the growth of a child's development. The LGBT, otherwise known as the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender community, stated that same- sex couples have coping mechanisms in place while raising a child so the child will not lack in development. Zach Wahls is an advocate for the LGBT community and speaks out on the issue of same sex couples raising children and how it has no adverse effects on their development. Zach Wahls was raised by two moms and took the world by storm when he spoke at Iowa's House of Representatives voting on joint resolution 6, which would end civil unions in Iowa. He showed the chairmen that being raised by a same sex couple had no adverse effects on his character as evident by the facts that he is a small business owner, scored in the 99 percentile on the ACT and is an eagle scout. He went on