
Gender Pay Gap In America Essay

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The gender wage gap in the United States has improved, but has barely diminished since the mid 1900’s. Women all across the world, including the United States, are still inferior to men. Because of this, women are hindered in many different situations throughout their lives. Feminism is the belief that women should have complete equality with men. Although many women have made numerous achievements, they seem to be cancelled out by this gap. Some of the situations where women are prevented from equality branch off into economic, social, and political equality.
Women are often compared to men economically, wages are a common difference. “According to the United States census bureau, as of 2012 women in the United States earn 77 cents to a man’s dollar” (ProQuest Staff). This statistic, although a small amount of a dollar, makes a big difference based on gender and shows their different position in society. Women are often capable of the same as men, making a valid reason for the wage gap even more distant. Not only is the inequality …show more content…

A big question for women is in presidency, seeing that all men have held the office of U.S. President. In 2008, an opinion poll came up with results on whether or not the U.S. would vote for a female president. Results coming in as 81% yes, and 15% no (“Update: Feminism” 76). From this statistic it is clear to see that a female in the run for presidency could have a fairly high chance. Successful women such as Jill Stein have run for the U.S. presidency, but partly due to their gender have been in the background of elections. “Women are never front-runners in political elections due to lingering sexual discrimination in the U.S. society” (“Update:Feminism” 77). Although women are beginning to rise up more in politics in this generation, the majority of Americans discriminate based on a female's ability to

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