Gender Roles: Gender Identity And Role In Society

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Gender roles are an important part of the culture and social structure of every society. Their power to influence behavior derives from their essential quality, appearing to reflect inherent attributes of women and men and from the related tendency to be relatively consensual and for people to be aware of this consensus. Femininity and masculinity are gender roles that are routinely conceptualized with regard to the totality of gender traits or characteristics that one possesses regardless of gender (Bem, 1974). Because gender roles are shared, people correctly believe that others are likely to react more approvingly to behavior that is consistent rather than inconsistent with these roles. Therefore, the most likely route to a smoothly functioning social interaction is to behave consistently with one’s gender role or at least to avoid strongly deviating from it (Wood and Eagly, 2010). Emotion regulation, which refers to the whole process of generating, recognizing, and expressing emotion, also influences potential factors from experiential, physiological, and behavioral points of view (Gross, 1988). The regulatory process, which can be conscious or …show more content…

Gender Identity and Role
Gender role identity is considered individuals’ essential recognition of masculinity or femininity (Cook, 1985). Masculinity and femininity were originally considered alternative explanations of sex differences, seen as two ends of a bipolar dimension within a measurable, unidimensional concept that can be inversely correlated (Bem, 1974; Constantinople, 1973). However, this implication refers to a concept that regards masculinity and femininity as simply personal traits. It does not take into account the different environmental influences (e.g., cultural or social norms) and internal distinctions and preferences.

Gender Role and

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