
General Assembly Experience Essay

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I am interested in joining the General Assembly because I believe there needs to be a closer link between the student government and the student body. For example, I didn’t know where or when the homecoming dance was. I had to message people individually to find out. Although it was announced at a gathering, It was not posted on any form of social media. Additionally, I would like to try and improve winter ball. Winter ball happens during the part of the year when everyone is tired out from school. Winter ball should be a fun event where students can gather together and eat food and dance. However, this is not reflected in the actuality of what winter ball is. People arrive late and leave early. Music is played, but few people dance. And food …show more content…

One aspect of dances that greatly influence the overall experience is the venue. A good venue could make the dance great, whereas people are less inclined to stay at a poor venue. I am very organized, which would allow me to search for a venue long before the actual dance, visit it, and book it before I am pressed for time. On a similar note, I am very good at managing money and keeping track of spending. This is very important when booking venues. Another aspect of dances that I would like to achieve is having food at these dances. As I mentioned in my application to the General Assembly, food is rarely served at dances. As social chair assistant, I would like to have food at Homecoming and winter ball, in addition to prom. Food does not necessarily have to be a sit down dinner; it might just be a small buffet of sliders and hot pretzels. A third thing I would like to achieve as social chair assistant is having large pep rallies at the beginning of each sports season. People are really engaged during the main pep rally during homecoming, but are not as engaged during the mini pep rallies during the winter and spring season. Having these pep rallies more frequently would allow for the school to come together and share school spirit more often while informing them on how the different sports teams are doing. And finally, I would like to help relieve some of Keegan’s stress as

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