
General Petraeus Effect On Northern Iraq

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Command and Control of Mosul Noel E. Alvarado
Master Leader Course

Command and Control of Mosul
In 2003, the 5th Corps commander General William S. Wallace decided to appoint General Petraeus to command and control Northern Iraq. Iraq’s society and government as a whole, was diminished by the war against the Taliban. . In this paper, I will talk about how General Petraeus turned a dysfunctional society in Mosul and reestablished a new and efficient Iraqi government.
Command Presence
The Army defines mission command as the exercise of authority and direction by a commander using mission orders to enable disciplined initiative within the commander’s intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of Unified …show more content…

General Petraeus encouraged his subordinate commanders and the newly appointed governor of Mosul to exercise as much authority needed to get results entirely. To be victorious in society today, Petraeus had to instill a vision and a greater understanding of what lies ahead for the government of Northern Iraq. Empowerment is the process of creating higher positive results by loosening control over the means of getting the job done, simultaneously establishing greater control over the results produced (Nice, 2004). First, Petraeus and the government officials of Mosul had to communicate over who they wanted to appoint to their association. Second, where will the funds come from to invest in rehabilitating the economy? The resources confiscated from the criminal adversaries was used to help build, repair and rebuild the infrastructure in Iraq. The Ambassador created the Commander’s Emergency Response Program to help manage the accountability of the money seized. Third, who will be the representatives responsible for the organizational structure of Mosul? General Petraeus assumed the role of governor until the elections were over. After the election, seven Arabs, three Kurds, two Assyrian Christians, a Turkmen, and a Shabak; outside of Mosul, six Arabs, a Yezidi, and an Assyrian Christian, plus two former Generals were sworn in by the chief judge. These individuals had …show more content…

Complaints of wrongful usage were reported to Petraeus saying that, “the Army was spying on them and using their night vision devices to see what was under women’s clothing.” With this news, General Petraeus invited the local Sheiks to an airport hangar where it was dark inside, and he showed the Iraqi Sheiks how the technology worked. When logistics support was required to rebuild and fuel Mosul, General Petraeus took the initiative to open the bridge that crosses to Syria. He ensured to place fees for crossing the bridge and hired many tribal men to operate and control the traffic in and out of Syria. By October 2003, General Petraeus commanded over 11,000 Iraqi security guards to protect and maintain order in the city of Mosul. With this in mind, General Petraeus mentored and coached the governor in his affairs and provided valuable feedback for future

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